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            What are the causes of noise in industrial energy-saving fans? Explain its use precautions in detail


            The cause of noise in industrial energy-saving fans

            1, wind noise

            when the industrial energy-saving fan works, the fan blade drives the air to produce air flow sound, that is, we usually understand the wind sound, this wind sound can not be artificially reduced, can only reduce the speed of the fan blade rotation by adjusting the speed, but the air volume will also be reduced.

            2, the motor

            general industrial energy-saving fan used in the motor through the gear rotation to generate power, in the rotation process of gear bite, lubricating oil failure, resulting in a large noise, decibels in 50-90 decibels or more, Therefore, using it in some slightly quiet places will cause people to feel

            uncomfortable 3, vibration

             Assuming that the rotor's physical center of mass is not on the same axis as the axis inertial center when the rotor of an industrial energy-saving fan rotates, it will cause an imbalance in the rotor. The closer distance between the physical center of mass of the rotor and the center of inertia of the rotor is called eccentric distance, the rotor imbalance causes the eccentric distance, when the rotor rotates due to the action of centrifugal force, a force is generated on the shaft bracket and a vibration is formed, and the vibration is transmitted to the various parts of the machine through the basic path.

            4. Heterophony

             Wind noise sounds only a simple wind sound, and the different sounds are different, when the industrial energy-saving fan is running, in addition to the wind sound, if there are other sounds, you can judge the industrial energy-saving fan has a different sound. The abnormal sound may be due to foreign matter or deformation in the bearing, and improper assembly and collision, or the motor winding is unevenly wound, resulting in loosening, which may produce abnormal sound.

            Precautions for

            the use of industrial energy-saving fans 1.Be sure to check before starting to use.

            2. The dust must be cleaned before use, otherwise it is easy to cause a short circuit.

            3. Check whether the fan blade has cracks, if there is a crack, it needs to be replaced in time.

            4. Detect the insulation resistance and check whether it is damaged, otherwise electric shock will occur.

            5. Check whether the anti-fall parts of the industrial energy-saving fan are loosely installed, and if there is looseness, it is necessary to report for repair in time. Check whether each component has losses, and replace them in time if there is loss.

            6. Check whether there are flammable and explosive operations or items around the industrial energy-saving fans, such as sparks and static electricity, which will cause explosions and fires.

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            ? Guangdong Meishuo Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

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